CLVV Security briefing

Version 2024.1

Why should we bother?

In the early 2000s, 70 general aviation aircraft were stolen in the US.

In 2002 a flight student stole a single engine aircraft and crashed it into a skyscraper in Tampa, Florida

Terrorists planed to fill a small fixed wing aircraft with explosives and crash it into the US Consolate in Karachi, Pakistan

Lock Critical Areas

Take care to always close the entrance barrier before leaving.

Always close the hangar doors, if no other member is near.

Check that the hangar is completely closed and locked before leaving the site.

Make Preflight Inspections

Notice suspicious conditions in the hangar, while taking the airplanes out of the hangar.

Be careful to check the airplane for foreign objects during the daily check of the plane.

If you suspect that an unknown person was near the airplane, conduct a thorough search of the plane.

Check and supervise Guests

Keep an eye on foreign persons or guests approaching the critical areas.

Approach the guests and ask what they are up to.

Ask them to leave the site if they have no reason to be there.

Ask for the guest flight ticket before boarding the guest.

Never let a guest enter the hangar or runway unobserved.

Call for help

If somebody is acting suspicously, call for help. Other members present are always willing to help.

Even members can have a bad day or be depressed. Ask them not to fly and rest instead, for their own safety.

In case of doubt, ask our security manager
Alex Krieger
or his deputy Roland Reckel

During escalation or emergency don't be afraid to call the Police!

Security is not safety

but by respecting these security measures,
safety is massively increased!

Happy flights everyone